Not for sale: Donated to California Lawyers for the Arts – by Eleanor Creekmore Dickinson Charitable Art Trust – May 2017
This Dream Series piece echoes–while inverting–the shapes of many of Eleanor Dickinson’s Crucifixion series where the feet are given massive size because of the artist’s perspective.
Her fascinating with the various unlovely but all-too-human parts of the human experience, from existential pain to hairy legs, is showcased here as well. At the time she was painting this series, she was experiencing significant bone pain so the hair may also be a cartoonization of that pain.
One of a kind artwork. See the About page for more information on the Art, Shipping and Additional Charges, Paper, and other topics.
Series: Dream Series
Measurement WxH: 14″ x 18″
Primary Materials: black ink and white paint on white paper
Base Material:
Signed: Yes
Orientation: Portrait
Condition: Very good
Date or Est. Year Created: 1970
Description: Spiky / hairy white legs and feet on black