One printed poster. This poster is both a piece of art and an artifact from one of the great works of Eleanor Dickinson’s life, her documentation and depictions of Pentecostal revivals. From Eleanor Dickinson’s obituary in the Los Angeles Times:
“Her body of work, which stretched from the arresting images of worshipers in revival halls to artifacts such as a snake box, signs urging repentance and a pickle jar with strychnine that true believers might drink, became so authoritative that it was housed at the Smithsonian and displayed in museums from Tennessee to the Bay Area.
Dickinson’s art and relics from the Pentecostal revivals sought to humanize the raw emotions of religion, not to make a spectacle of what might seem strange and extreme to others, a critic with the Knoxville News Sentinel observed in 2005.
‘I just don’t judge people,’ Dickinson said.”
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Title: Arts in the Church poster from the First Congregational Church of Palo Alto 1982 exhibit. Original picture title is “Jesus on the main line” featuring J.T. Higdon (a family-friend from Elkmont, Tennessee) and Katy Dickinson (Eleanor Dickinson’s daughter) – featured on p.17 of Revival! 1974 book.
Series: Revival posters
Measurement WxH: 20×24″
Primary Materials: Printed poster on white paper
Base Material: Paper
Signed: No
Orientation: Portrait
Condition: Very good to good (each poster has aged individually)
Date or Est. Year Created: 1982
Description: Printed poster of man and girl in profile
Notes: This poster is very clean, no yellowing